Colonic hydrotherapy treatment consists of warm purified water being gently introduced into the colon by a disposable speculum.
The treatment lasts approximately 40 minutes with a combination of cleansing and gentle abdominal massage, which helps soften the stools and remove waste and trapped gas from the colon which may have been accumulating over a long period of time.
At Aqua-Tox we use a state of the art closed system which is odourless and modesty is preserved at all times. With hygiene being crucial for the therapy, a disposable speculum, water line and waste line are used at all times.
Probiotics should be taken after each colonic to help restore healthy gut bacteria. Probiotics are available to purchase at the clinic.
The benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy include:
- Increased hydration
- Removing stagnation
- Increased bowel motility
- Helping the colon towards better nutrition absorption
- A general well-being effect

Colonic irrigation works best in conjunction with a healthy diet, exercise and a positive lifestyle.
Add a coffee enema to your colon cleansing for a deeper cleanse and a liver detox, powerfully detoxifying the whole bloodstream.
At Aqua-Tox, we use Robusta Health’s certified organic enema coffee. Caffeine from the coffee is absorbed into the circulatory system which increases liver filtering, greatly aiding the organs ability to remove serum toxins.
It also causes the liver to produce more bile and stimulate the gall bladder to rid its contents which flows directly into the small intestine for elimination.
The coffee itself does not travel to the liver, it remains in the sigmoid colon, until it is eliminated therefore most people who are intolerant to coffee as a drink have no problems with coffee enemas.
Please Note: Colon Hydrotherapy is not in any way intended as a ‘cure’ or ‘medical’ treatment. It should not be seen as an alternative to seeing your GP if you have any health concerns. Neither is it intended to infer or imply symptoms of IBS or other bowel conditions will be solved.
Colon Hydrotherapy Prices
Regular Colonic
Single Session
A single Colon Hydrotherapy session. Treatment lasts approximately 40 minutes but please allow 90 minutes for first appointment to go through consultation form prior to the treatment.
Regular Colonic and Pro-biotic Implant
A regular colon hydrotherapy session followed by a High Strength Pro-biotic Implant to repopulate the gut with good bacteria. The implant provides a combination of live bacteria to help maintain a healthy colon. Bacteria are essential for the maintenance of normal bowel function and help reduce the proliferation of opportunistic bacteria and yeast.
Coffee Colonic
Regular Colonic & Coffee Enema
A regular colon hydrotherapy session followed by a coffee enema, for a deeper cleanse and a liver detox, powerfully detoxifing the whole bloodstream.
Detox Course
A course of 3 regular colonics
A course of 3 regular colon hydrotherapy sessions to be taken within 2 weeks. Recommended to effectively cleanse the colon.
Colon Hydrotherapy Reviews
Colonics FAQs
How can colon hydrotherapy help my digestive health?
Colonic hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation is a gentle internal bath using warm, purified water that can help to eliminate stored faecal matter, gas, mucus and toxic substances from the colon. A practice dating from around 1500 B.C., colonics can also help retone and reshape the colon. However, colonics have a much broader effect than simply cleansing the colon. Additional benefits can often be observed throughout the body in the form of clearer skin, more energy and mental clarity, fewer headaches, improvement in circulatory, immune and weight problems and many other positive side effects. Many people are referred to colonic hydrotherapists by other alternative medicine therapists including homeopaths, acupuncturists, herbalists, etc., since by detoxifying the system using colon cleansing, these therapies tend to be more efficacious.
Where does the colonic treatment take place?
The colonic hydrotherapy treatment will take place in our private health clinic situated in Hertford, Hertfordshire. We’re a very friendly and private setting and we make your comfort and safety our top priorities. We have parking available and are in easy reach of surrounding towns including Ware, Harlow, Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield.
What is involved in the colonic irrigation treatment?
Your visit will involve the taking of your case history followed by an explanation of the procedure. The colonic itself will take about 45 minutes during which time water will be gently introduced into the colon via the rectum whilst your therapist uses special massage techniques to stimulate the release of stored matter. Your modesty is preserved at all times.
Is a colonic irrigation safe?
It is safe. We use a disposable speculum, water line and waste line at all times. The water is introduced at a low gentle pressure, so there is no danger of bowel perforation. Colonic hydrotherapy, unlike the use of laxatives, is not habit forming and actually improves the tone of the colon.
Does Colonic Irrigation It Hurt?
The colonic irrigation procedure itself does not cause pain. At the start of the procedure, you may experience a “strange” sensation of wanting to go to the toilet, but most people get used to this feeling in the first few minutes, and even find the colonic treatment “unexpectedly relaxing and uplifting”.
Will a colonic fix my bowel and my digestion?
Colon hydrotherapy is a tool but not a cure or medical treatment. It is a powerful tool that gives you a head start in improving your diet, lifestyle and exercise regime. However, a tool is only as good as the person using it. If you use colonics to help your body improve, feel younger and work more effectively, then this is what you will achieve. However, if you use colonics as roadside assistance only, then you will achieve a short-term rather than a long term improvement. Colon cleansing should not be seen as an alternative to seeing your GP if you have any health concerns.
How many colonic treatments do I need?
It all depends on your condition and on the results of the first colonic. If a condition has been building up for years, it is unlikely that it will disappear completely after 40-50 minutes of cleansing, but most people feel improvements after the very first session. If you adopt dietary and lifestyle modifications, if they are required, then the number of colonics will be reduced, and the periods between colonics will be longer.
Will I lose weight after a colonic?
You may lose some weight. Most people feel lighter after a colonic. Just bear in mind that you lose wastes only, not fat or cellulite. If you start eating less, increase your fibre intake, move or exercise more, chew better and drink more water, then you may achieve a permanent weight loss.
What will I feel like after the colonic hydrotherapy treatment?
After a colonic treatment, you should be able to continue with your daily plans, drive, go back to work etc. Some people feel energised straight away, some feel tired “in a nice way” – in the same way as one feels tired after a good workout, some feel lighter, some feel very hungry, some don’t feel like eating for hours afterwards. Some may feel quite tired as the detoxification process kicks in deeper, and in these instances we recommend coming for a repeat colonic without delay.
Why do you recommend supplements after a colonic treatment?
In the ideal world, if you lived on naturally fertile farmland and ate organic home-grown freshly cut vegetables, berries and fruit, fish from the river, natural live yoghurt etc you would not need any supplements (and, as a matter of fact, you would not need a detox programme either!) However, in the real world we need to assist our bodies to self-cleanse, hence the need for supplementation. What supplements would you recommend for maintenance between colonic treatments?
Probiotic supplements are recommended to give a head start to the good bacteria, that populate our bowel and that ensure absorption by the body of nutrients and vitamins from our food. Patrick Holford, Britain’s leading nutrition expert (author of the best-selling “Optimum Nutrition Bible”) says: “Supplements are needed to carry beneficial bacteria into the intestine to re-establish a healthy colony. The role of these Bifidobacteria is to increase acidity by producing lactic acid and acetic acid, and to inhibit undesirable micro-organisms that would compete against them… Tissues densely covered with beneficial organisms provide an effective blocking mechanism, deterring invading pathogens”.
Combined digestive enzymes, as well as betaine, soya lecithin, pepsin etc promote healthy digestion. Other supplements improve bowel tone, cleanse bowel walls, bulk up the stool, remove gases and provide quality and regularity of elimination.
Do I have to leave my modesty at the door?
We are fully committed to preserving clients modesty at all times. You will be fully covered, protected and warm during your treatment. Toilet and washing facilities are very close, for your exclusive use.
Can I have a colonic if I am having a period?
You can have a colonic during your period. Please make sure you have a spare tampon or towel that you can use immediately after the treatment.
Can I have a colonic if I am pregnant?
We would not recommend colonics at any time during pregnancy unless it is recommended and performed by a qualified medical practitioner specialising in pregnancy.
How soon after childbirth can I have a colonic? Can I have it while I am nursing?
You can have a colonic 10-12 weeks after a regular childbirth, unless you had complications or a caesarean. You need to decide for yourself whether your body has recovered enough from the shock of the childbirth. Make sure your stitches have healed fully, talk to your doctor or nurse if in doubt. You can have a colonic while you are nursing.
How can I prepare for a colonic?
We advise that you do not consume any food 2 hours prior to the treatment. The week leading up to your colonic try to have 6-8 glasses of water daily, staying fully hydrated will enhance the treatment.
After the treatment, a light diet of fruit, vegetables, salads, soups and chicken or fish should be followed for two to three days, taking care to avoid anything that causes gas such as fizzy drinks and processed foods. Avoid alcohol, rich and spicy foods for at least 24 hours.
Are there any reasons why I cannot have colon hydrotherapy?
Yes, there are some contraindications to colon hydrotherapy, please see below:
- Severe cardiac disease
- High blood pressure not controlled by a doctor
- Low blood pressure causing the person to pass out habitually and severe anaemia
- Aneurysm (a cardiovascular disease characterized by a sac-like widening of an artery resulting from weakening of the artery wall)
- GI haemorrhage or perforation
- Severe haemorrhoids
- Cirrhosis of the liver
- Carcinoma of the colon
- Active fistulas and fissures
- Pregnancy
- Abdominal hernia
- Recent colorectal surgery
- Renal insufficiency (serious kidney problems)
- Diverticulitis
- Ulcerative colitis
- Crohn’s disease
If you are unsure, please contact us to discuss in further detail.
Is an enema the same as a colonic?
A colonic is similar to an enema but treats the whole colon, not just the lower bowel. This has the effect of flushing out impacted faecal matter, toxins, mucous, etc. that often build up over the passage of time. It is a procedure that should only be undertaken by a qualified practitioner.
To read more about colon hydrotherapy read our ‘What is colonic irrigation?’ blog post.